What is going on?

From the email by Cori Feldpausch:
What is not on the website is information about the Wind/Solar Petition initiative that has begun STATE WIDE!  I hope you have all heard of this but if not, I am also putting the website (not FB) of the Michigan Citizens for Local Choice in this email.  It has been verified that over 1,000 acres of farmland (used to be owned by the Huhn family) is currently owned by an investment firm, Ceres Farms LLC.  They are NOT strictly for farming but are an investment firm looking to make money. (they were part of the landowners who sold in Marshall for the Ford plant).  They have not stated they will put all the property in to Solar but have signed an option with an out of state solar company so it's very clear they are thinking about it!  At the Township meeting Thursday night there will be discussion and hopefully an approval to continue the moratorium for any wind or solar until summer so that good ordinances can be written.  Why write them if the State could take control in the fall?  Because not every solar lease will qualify for the State (MPSC) and for those that don't they have to follow the township ordinances.  

Dennis Strahle and I are both starting the circulation of petitions and we need help!  I have a few volunteers willing to help us collect signatures at township meetings and even go door to door but it would be great to have more who are willing to take a petition and get their neighbors to sign!  Reply to this email if you are interested in helping.  We have until May so as soon as we get some warmer days in March or April we can even set up outside.  If you would like to sign I will be at the Eagle Township Hall (outside but sitting in my van!) on WEDNESDAY FROM 9AM - 2PM  so please stop by and we can even chat if you have questions.  From now until May there will be a chance to sign before and after any township meetings ( this week you have 2 chances see below 😉)   I hope that Eagle residents realize that unless we repeal this new law there will be very little anyone can do to stop the solar companies from coming in and destroying the land, the State ordinances are very few and were created so that it's easy to put solar and wind turbines in the ground anywhere they want!!
Citizens for Local Choice (micitizenschoice.org)

Eagle Township Information:
Master Plan Survey and Community Engagement Workshop.  I pray you have all received the mailed flyer with the invitation for the workshop on February 22nd and information on the survey!!!  If not please email me ASAP!   THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!  Since January of 2023 we have been demanding that we, the residents, have the right to have a say in WHAT WE WANT FOR EAGLE and this survey and workshop are it!  Why attend the workshop?  BECAUSE WE KNOW WE ARE BEING WATCHED VERY CAREFULLY BY MEDC and they want to prove that no one in Eagle Township really cares if a large scale mega site comes or not!!!!  The Planning Commission insisted on mailing a flyer ( not just a small postcard) and renting the larger Eagle Parks Hall in the hope that EVERYONE WILL COME!  Last March we had around 240 Eagle residents attend the Giffel Webster (directed by LEAP) open house where we couldn't ask questions and were told what we should want!  This will be different and I am praying daily that we have over 500 residents pack the hall and voice what they want!  Our newly formed Planning Commission is willing to listen but if they don't hear from residents they will need to make tough decisions on their own and LEAP and MEDC will have the right to say "no one cares" if no one comes.  This isn't "just a workshop", this is us standing our ground for what we feel is right for Eagle Township- REASONABLE GROWTH AND KEEPING THE TOWNSHIP AS RURAL AS POSSIBLE!